
64. DPI NGO Konferenz in Bonn vom 3. – 5. September 2011


64. DPI/NGO Conference "Sustainable Societies - Responsive Citizens"

September 3rd - 5th 2011 in Bonn/Germany
Co-Chair of the sub-committee events and exhibits:
Frau Josefine Brecht, S.E.R. Stiftung

The S.E.R. Foundation is a partner organisation in the Townhall Meeting, on September 2nd. Keynote-speakers of the conference reflect in the Townhall Meeting on Our daily rice Achievable for all! - But how?

On September 4th, the S.E.R. Foundation sponsors the workshop "Strengthening Social Cohesion through Voluntary Civil Engagement", see

in continuance with the Reconciliation Year 2009 organizes an official side event "S.E.R. Reconciliation Award Ceremony" on the evening of September 4th, see

and presents an exhibition "Power of Empathy for a Sustainable Society by Ergosoma", see

September 4th

12.30 p.m. - 4.15 p.m.: The Foundation sponsors a Midday-Workshop of the conference on the subject "Strengthening Social Cohesion through Voluntary Civil Engagement", co-sponsored by the NGOs "Bangwe and Dialogue" and "Givat Haviva"

From 6 p.m.: As a side event of the conference, the Foundation organizes an award ceremony. Prizes are granted to four outstanding reconciliation projects of the Reconciliation Year 2010 ; for further information see .

September 19th - 20th

As one of four german NGOs the S.E.R. Foundation has been invited the by the General Assembly to participate in the High-level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases, to be convened on 19 and 20 September 2011 at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
Statement of the S.E.R. Foundation

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